Which boot option can you use to move system boot logs from a failing computer to another computer for evaluation?
1. Recovery Console
2. Debugging Mode
3. Safe Mode with Networking
4. Enable Boot Logging
Explanation : Debugging Mode gives you the opportunity to move system boot logs from the failing computer to another computer for evaluation. To use this mode, you first must connect the failing computer to another computer using a serial cable. You then can review the boot logs on a functioning computer.
Safe Mode with Networking is the same as Safe Mode, but the drivers necessary to access the network are loaded. This is useful if you need to access the network to download replacement drivers.
The Enable Boot Logging option allows the system to boot normally while recording all files loaded during the boot process. The log is recorded in a file named NTBTLOG.TXT. The log will identify which drivers loaded and which failed. This is especially helpful if you have a copy of the NTBTLOG.TXT file that was created before there was a problem. You then could compare them to see what has changed.
The Recovery Console does not start the graphical interface, but it does allow you to access any FAT16, FAT32, and NTFS file systems. The purpose of the Recovery Console is to allow you to repair a damaged registry, system files, or file system on the hard drive.
Objective: Operating Systems
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Operating Systems: Moving Boot Logs to another computer
Debugging Mode,
Enable Boot Logging,
Recovery Console,
Safe Mode,