Friday, October 5, 2007

CMOS/BIOS: Memory settings

clipped from

There are a wide range of settings available today with regard to Memory in the BIOS. Memory settings vary from motherboard to motherboard. Some of them are as follows:

  • Memory Test Tick Sound
    When enabled, the POST memory test will make a tick sound as it counts the system memory. This is enabled to know if the speaker is working as well as a test to see if POST is progressing normally.

  • Internal Cache
    This will enable or disable the internal cache on the processor. It is also known as the L1 or Level 1 cache. Turning off internal cache will lead to a major performance hit.

  • External Cache
    This will enable or disable the external cache on your processor and is also known as the L2 or Level 2 cache. Disabling this will cause the system to slow down dramatically. However, you can use it if you are having system crashes and suspect a problem with the cache chips.

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