Sunday, December 16, 2007

Safety & Environment: Installling a Video Adapter

You are replacing a video adapter in a computer. What is the first step you should take?
1. >>Shut down the computer.
2. Unplug the display from the power source.
3. Unplug the computer from the power source.
4. Disconnect the display from the computer.

Explanation : The first step you should take is to shut down the computer. You should always shut down a computer before unplugging it to ensure that files are saved and closed properly.
There is no need to unplug the display from the power source. You are not working on the display; you are installing a new video adapter inside the computer's case.

You should disconnect the display from the computer, but only after you have shut down the computer. You should not disconnect a display while the computer is running.

You should unplug the computer, but only after you have shut down the computer.
Objective: Safety and Environmental Issues